Vikings Activity Team
The Vikings activities team are a group of scouters drawn from multiple Districts, predominantly Denewulf.
We assist sections, Groups, and Districts with running adventurous activities throughout the year. These activities take place at our local campsite, Lyons Copse, but also at Scout huts and campsites across the County as requested!
The team regularly take part in training sessions to keep us up to date with the rules concerning our activities and to gain permits and qualifications to enable the team to assist with more activities.
We can cope with all sections for most activities, although some of them have an age requirement which we must follow.
Things we can do include:
- Climbing
- Crossbows
- Tomahawks
- Aerial runways
- Archery (for younger sections)
- Nerf
- Rope making
- Pioneering (from spaghetti to trees!)
- Slack lining
- Abseiling
- Rope making
Column one | Column two |
Water sports | Swimming |
John Doe | Front-end Developer |
Henry Ford | Back-end Developer |
Henley Brown | UX Designer |
Elisha Dickerson | Marketeer |
Matt Ainsworth | Marketeer |
Matt Ainsworth | Marketeer | Matt Ainsworth | Marketeer | Matt Ainsworth | Marketeer |